Sunday, December 27, 2015

Snug Baby Monitor for Smartphones and Tablets #Amazonreview

If you need a camera so you can keep an eye on your little one, this is a great camera!! The camera app came be run on any apple or android tablet or phone and was free to download. The camera has motion and audio detection and has night vision. Set up was easy. Once I took it out of th box, I connected the antenna. Then I plugged the camera into an outlet near my router. To set up you need to plug in the camera to your router and let the camera get connected to the setting. After downloading the app (I just scanned the QR code) I connected the camera to my secure wi-fi. After the camera was connected and elected by the program, I unplugged the camera from the router and brought it to another part of the house. Once it was plugged back in, my phone detected it in just seconds. Once connected, I got live feed of the room. It took me playing around with the program to figure out how to control and turn the camera with my phone. I had the option to hear audio, record, take pictures and choose between colored/night vision. I did shut the wifi off on my phone to see if I could access video on my data and I was able to connect to the camera. According to Amazon, you can view video from anywhere. I am excited to try the camera when I am away from home to see how well it works. Picture quality was not bad at all on my phone (I will include a photo of the video on my phone in this blog). I am highly impressed with this product and wish I had something like this when my kids were little. I would have slept better knowing I could peek in on them. I received this item free or at a discounted price in exchange for my honest opinion.

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